The sand mountain georgia CCD in Georgia has a population of 3,874 people. Its median age is 44.4, and there are more than three hundred singles per thousand people. Here are some statistics to help you understand what the town is like. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are more than two hundred homes in sand mountain georgia, with the median age being 44.4. In addition, the birth rate is 2.4% and the total population is 36% single.
Sand Mountain Georgia CCD Georgia has a total population of 3,874
The demographics of sand mountain georgia CCD Georgia are based on data from the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. According to these statistics, the total population of sand mountain georgia CCD will be 3,874 people in 2020. This number is lower than the state and national averages. In fact, the number of people living in sand mountain georgia CCD is actually less than the number of people living in Trenton.
Demographics of sand mountain georgia CCD show that there are many single women ranging in age from eighteen to twenty-four. Using this information, residents can research employment trends and pinpoint areas where retirees might be more likely to live. The age distribution of single women in sand mountain georgia CCD is similar to the national average – only slightly older than the state average. The percentage of single men is higher than the proportion of women, with men outnumbering women in both sexes.
The percentage of married couples living in sand mountain georgia CCD Georgia is 88%. This is higher than the national average. Additionally, the average number of children living in sand mountain georgia CCD is smaller than the state average. The county’s average family size is 3.0. This is higher than the national average of 2.3. This statistic is similar to that of New Hope, which has a population of 3,874.
It has a median age of 44.4
The sand mountain georgia CCD has a median age of 44.4. This is in the middle of the metro area, with a median age of 46.5 in neighboring New Hope. Below are demographics for sand mountain georgia. You can see how the median age is split by gender. If you want to learn more about the demographics of sand mountain Georgia, you should check out the CCD’s population profile.
The census estimates that the population of sand mountain georgia CCD is 3,874 by 2020 are very similar to the data that shows the county’s median age is 44.4. However, that’s an estimated decrease of 398 from the 2010 census. Although sand mountain georgia CCD is growing at a slower rate, the median age is still 44.4. This makes it one of the youngest cities in the region.
The median age of sand mountain georgia is significantly lower than the rest of Georgia. There is only one woman in every eighteen-year-old child, which is a good thing to hear. Moreover, women in sand mountain georgia are more likely to be married than in any other place. As a result, this city has a low divorce rate – just 23% of the population has children. But that doesn’t mean that people are not happy and lonely.
It has a birth rate of 2.4%
According to the latest census data, the population of the city of sand mountain georgia is 2,053 people. This figure is lower than the state and national average, but it is still higher than most other cities in the region. According to the latest data, there are 8.4% fewer people under the age of 20 in sand mountain georgia than in nearby Trenton, Georgia. This low birth rate is indicative of a thriving community, with a high median age.
According to the census data, the birth rate in sand mountain georgia is 2.4%, which is lower than the average for the city. This is despite the fact that the city has the lowest birth rate in the region. New Hope has a higher birth rate, with nearly half of all births occurring in this city. The median age of a child in the city is 30. But this figure does not reflect the age of the child at birth, which is another reason to keep a close eye on the numbers.
Sand Mountain Georgia CCD has the lowest birth rate in the country at 2.4%. However, the city has the lowest percentage of single adults, with 36% of residents being single. South Pittsburg, Georgia, has the highest single age range at 49. These figures may surprise you. It is important to remember that Georgia has more singles than any other city in the country. This is because of the high rate of single women, but the city does have a high rate of births compared to its size.
It has a total single people of 36%
The census-designated place (CDP) for sand mountain georgia, Georgia is the middle of the metro area, with a median age of 44.4. It has a single person ratio of 36%, and a total single people population of 36%. The sand mountain georgia CCD has a large number of young people, with a percentage of 8.5% under the age of twenty-five. The largest population segment in the CCD is thirty-five to 39-year-olds. The area ranks first in this category.
The sand mountain georgia CCD has a population density that is lower than the national average. The area is home to three-fourths the population of South Pittsburg. This means that people living in this area have a lower chance of finding a partner. This is a problem for residents of this area, as there aren’t as many people who are ready to date as they thought they would be.
In addition to being lower than the national average, the CCD for sand mountain georgia has a significantly lower birth rate than the region. Its overall percentage of single people is 36% lower than the national average. Among the counties in the area, the city of Jasper has the highest proportion of single people in the region. With a low birth rate, this area is also home to a large number of single people.