Finger of Death 5e will allow the consumers to kill any creature with an HD of up to twice your level or knock it unconscious for 1d8 minutes. This effect can be used once per day, whereas a higher-level spell slot can be used more often. A successful saving throw against this spell is DC 13, so it’s almost impossible for creatures at lower levels have any chance to survive being hit by the Finger of Death.
You must succeed on a melee touch attack against the target. You automatically hit and score a critical hit. The target takes normal damage and must make a Fortitude save or die.
How does Finger of Death 5e Spell work in Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e)?
First, the caster must successfully hit the enemy with a melee spell attack and has to successfully attack using a single-handed arcane focus such as Dagger. A successful melee touch attack deals 2d6+5 points of Cold damage and grants advantage for this particular attack, so it is obvious that the creature will directly die because of extremely low HP (1/4 or lower) without having any chance to survive at all. If the target’s saving throw succeeds then it takes half damage and avoids other effects; otherwise, it dies instantly.
Most creatures below 7th level have only one hit point per Hit Die, making them easy targets for this spell unless they happen to roll a good Fortitude save. Even if they do succeed on their saving throw, they still take 5d8+5 points of damage on a hit, which might be enough to kill them anyway.
A creature that has spell resistance can use it to negate this spell’s effect. A creature whose HD exceeds the Caster Level cannot by affected by this spell at all.
At 2nd level, you can cast Finger of Death once per day as a spell-like ability for every 2 levels of Wizard (or higher), where as at 4th level you can cast it twice per day for every 2 levels in Wizard class or higher and so forth.
Your caster ability for this particular Spellcasting feature is Intelligence because Wizard Class is the only class that includes the spellcasting ability modifier in its description.
You can use a higher-level spell slot to Finger of Death 5e more often, as long as you have enough Hit Dice worth of creatures to kill or knock unconscious. If you want to cast it using a 3rd-level slot, for example, you must be able to affect six HD worth of targets.
1st Level Finger of Death 5e is really not much effective against other creatures because they can easily survive with low HP if they succeed on their saving throw even though they still take 5d8+5 points of damage on a hit. It starts being useful at 2nd level where the caster can cast it once per day for every 2 levels Wizard Class or higher. The highest-level spell slot that can cast Finger of Death is 9th level.
Different from other related spells such as Harm, a target has no chance to survive unless it successfully makes its saving throw and even if it does it still takes 5d8+5 points of damage on a hit without having any chance to survive at all. Any creature with less than 1/4 HP will be automatically slain while the rest take 5d8+5 points of damage on a hit without any chances to survive unless they succeed their saving throws in which case they only take half damage and avoid the effect entirely when successfully making their saving throw or becoming Unconscious when failed.
What are the components needed to cast the spell?
To cast a spell, you must be able to use an Arcane Focus and any Somatic Material components as mentioned in the Spellcasting Ability Description. A successful melee touch attack deals 2d6+5 points of Cold damage and grants advantage for this particular attack, so it is obvious that creature will directly die because of extremely low HP (1/4 or lower) without having any chance to survive at all. If the target’s saving throw succeeds then it takes half damage and avoids other effects; otherwise it dies instantly.
At 2nd level, you can cast Finger of Death 5e once per day as a spell-like ability for every 2 levels of Wizard (or higher), where as at 4th level you can cast it twice per day for every 2 levels in Wizard class or higher and so forth.
Your caster ability for this particular Spellcasting feature is Intelligence because Wizard Class is the only class that includes the spellcasting ability modifier in its description.
You can use a higher-level spell slot to Finger of Death more often, as long as you have enough Hit Dice worth of creatures to kill or knock unconscious. If you want to cast it using a 3rd-level slot, for example, you must be able to affect six HD worth of targets.
Finger of Death 5e spell Level:
Wiz 1 Casting Time: Action Duration: Varies Range: Touch Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster points finger at a target and casts the 5e spell, which obliterates its existence. The subject must make a successful Fortitude saving throw or die instantly. If successful, it instead takes 3d6+15 damage (or half if save succeeded).
If you want to cast Finger of Death 5e using a higher-level spell slot; for example using 3rd level spell slot or higher, you will need to kill 6 HD worth of creatures with every casting using said higher-level spell slots because you can only affect up to 6 HD of Hit Dice through this particular spellcasting feature.
This spell is a great way to get rid of an enemy during a tough fight since it instantly kills creatures with less than 1/4 HP without any chances to survive unless they succeed their saving throws. Likewise, Creatures that have more than 1/2 HP will take half damage and avoid the rest when successfully making its saving throw or go Unconscious when failed which makes them no threat at all for this particular battle because Creature that are Unconscious can’t perform any Actions or Bonus Actions at all while being totally defenseless against enemies.
All you need to know about Finger of Death 5e spell:
Finger of Death 5e is a necromancy spell that enables the caster to kill anyone creature within range. The chance of success is 90% (1-in-10). If the victim fails this saving throw, it dies. If the saving throw succeeds, the victim takes 3d8+15 points of damage instead. For each level of experience beyond 8th of the spellcaster, he or she suffers no more than 5 extra points of damage per die. This rule applies only to those at least 16th level who cast this spell on creatures with Hit Dice lower than their own; for example an 11th-level wizard would impose a maximum penalty of 9d8+25 damage if he tried to use “finger” against a creature with 5 hit dice.

The material components of this spell are the caster’s religious symbol, a small leather triangle that has been whittled to a point on one corner and is then soaked in blood for at least an hour, and a sprinkle of holy water. A priest must have 5 or more levels of experience before using five objects needed to cast Finger of Death.
Disintegrate 5e vs. Finger of Death
The Finger of Death 5e D&D is not an attack spell. Its purpose is make its victim a zombie. Because of this, it exists. It isn’t there to cause harm. This is absurd. This spell is ideal for necromancers who wish to create permanent zombies. Necromancy is not for you if you don’t want to.
- The Fingers of Death do not cause damage to equipment or the body.
- After a Save succeeds, the Finger of Death inflicts death damage. Disintegrate doesn’t.
- Grim Harvest heals Finger of Death instead of 12
- You can get a free Zombie minion by using the Finger of Death.
- The Finger of Death doesn’t contain any material components
- Disintegrate isn’t listed on the Warlocks spell list.
- Necrotic damage is more interesting than Force (more things have resistance/vulnerability, more abilities boost or otherwise interact with it).